Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is MySpace safe?

With more and more students posting on MySpace, it raises the question of safety. How safe is MySpace? Check out this website to see some ways to make your space safer from predators. http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Safe-on-MySpace

It isn't a far stretch to imagine that there are people out there intent on hurting you, so be safe when you're posting your items!! Post your thoughts here on whether or not you think MySpace is dangerous...


xxAshli_Nikkolexx said...

Myspace is safe if you want it to be. Don't go and put your life on a page. And don't leave messages in your inbox, and if comments are too personal, delete them! Even bullitens, people can still access those, don't write stuff that is personal! Leave no trace of person -important- info on that page.
I think it is rediculus when people put their addresses, heigh weight, every little detail on their profile, they are just screaming, "Hey come and get me!!"
But, it is possible to be at least a bit safer on myspace without giving it up all together.

Mrs. Goodwin said...

Thank you so much for your comment!! I'm sure our students will get a lot out of it...