Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We will be taking the AHSGE again in September. The dates are September 21st-25th. If you need some refreshing before the exam, visit the website below for practice tests, flashcards and even educational games!!

login: jemison
password: newton12


Do you need to take the ACT? If you do, there are registration packets in Mrs. Goodwin's office and in the library. Our school code is 011-550. You don't have to sign up to get an ACT packet, just grab one. You may need a copy of your transcript to fill out some of the registration questions, but anyone out in the front office can help you with that, all you have to do is ask for an unofficial copy of your transcript!

Do you need help?

This may sound like a silly question, but we're here to help you! Remember that we have a sign-up sheet in the office if you need to see a counselor. Ms. Waters and I try out best to get to you the same day you sign up, but sometimes things come up that keep us from doing that. If you have an emergency however, please let the office staff know so that they can get us IMMEDIATELY!! We want to do whatever we can to make you time here wonderful. Come and see us!

What a great start...

I just wanted to thank everyone for all their hard work so far. The beginning of school has been great and I've heard a lot of the teachers talking about what a great job you students are doing. Keep up the good work and let's make the 2009-2010 school year the BEST year at JHS yet!!!

Go Panthers!!!!

Getting In Handbook...

Due to budget cut-backs, the Getting In Handbook that we normally received will not be coming this year. If you are interested in looking at the information though, you can visit the link below to check out their online version!


As always, come see us if you have any question...Mrs. Goodwin